Color palettes for digital note-taking and digital planner #09 - IvoryDigitalHub - Digital Planners | Digital Notebooks | Digital Stickers | Digital Templates
Color Palettes

Color palettes for digital note-taking and digital planner #09

Digital note taking apps often offer the option to customize the color palette for notes or notes folders. This can be a useful feature for organizing and prioritizing information, as well as for adding a personal touch to the note taking experience.

This week I am using blue and orange colors for my notes. 

Incorporating a blue and orange color palette into your digital note-taking system can be a visually appealing and effective way to organize and categorize your notes.

The cool and calming properties of blue can be used to highlight important information or key points, while the warmth and energy of orange can be used to draw attention to action items or deadlines. When used together, these colors can create a sense of balance and harmony in your digital notes, helping you to easily identify and reference the most important information.

You may also consider using different shades or tints of blue and orange to further differentiate between different types of notes or categories.

Overall, incorporating a blue and orange color palette into your digital note-taking system can be a useful tool for improving your productivity and organization.

Here are the color codes for this week:


Learn how to add HEX color codes on GoodNotes

Experimenting with different color combinations can be a fun and creative way to find the palette that works best for you.

Color palettes for digital note-taking and digital planner #10

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